
  • new(size: usize) - creates a new buffer with the specified capacity.

  • get_events() - returns a mutable reference to the buffer's event handler.

  • add<T: Any>(object: T) - adds the object to the buffer if there is space, returning an error if the buffer is full.

  • get<T: Any>(index: usize) - retrieves the object at the given index, returning a reference to it without modifying the buffer.

  • peek<T: Any>(index: usize) - inspects the object at the given index without removing or modifying it.

  • remove(index: usize) - removes and returns the object at the given index.

  • remove_by_type<T: Any>() - removes and returns the first object of the specified type from the buffer, if found.

  • swap(index1: usize, index2: usize) - swaps the objects at the given indices.

  • clear() - removes all objects from the buffer.

  • len() - returns the number of objects currently in the buffer.

  • is_full() - returns true if the buffer has reached its maximum capacity.

  • is_empty() - returns true if the buffer is empty.

  • contains<T: Any>() - returns true if the buffer contains an object of the specified type.

  • iter() - returns an iterator over the objects in the buffer.

  • items_of_type<T: Any>() - returns a list of references to all objects of the specified type.

  • capacity() - returns the maximum number of objects the buffer can hold.

  • resize(new_size: usize) - changes the buffer's capacity to the specified size, returning an error if the new size is smaller than the current number of objects.

  • count_by_type<T: Any>() - returns the number of objects of the specified type in the buffer.

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